12 weeks CBT
The individual treatment for porn/substance abuse is 12 weeks 1-2 times a week depending on how intensively you want to work. The focus during the treatment is primarily on stopping what is destructive to you. We work to map what your behaviors look like and work to find alternative solutions. What changes do you need to make in order to remain abstinent? During the treatment, you work with homework whose purpose is to, in an efficient way, move you forward in the treatment.
Depending on what your addiction looks like; if there are underlying causes that are more complex, there is the possibility of participation in an in-depth group after completion of treatment.
Price 13,400:-
The price includes assessment calls, 12 60 min individual treatments, 1 booster call 2 months after the end of the treatment.
This form of treatment is not suitable for those seeking help for relationship abuse, love addiction or infidelity.